Strategic Coach® Signature Program

Canadian Flag

Toronto, CA

Image of Patti Mara

Patti Mara

Date: August 19, 2025
Date: November 18, 2025
Date: February 17, 2026
Date: May 12, 2026
Deposit: CAD $2,500.00 including applicable taxes
Fee: CAD $15,000.00 including applicable taxes

Please enter your information

Registrant Information
Credit Card
We only accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express
Billing Address
Shipping Address
Additional Information
Income Verification

  Between $200,000 - $500,000
  $500,000 to $1,000,000
  More than $1 Million
By signing up as a Strategic Coach® client, you certify that you have read and agreed to Strategic Coach’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, and you understand that your acceptance and participation in the Strategic Coach® Program is dependent upon a Right-Fit conversation with a Membership Advisor and verification of your qualifying entrepreneurial income level. You also understand that:
  1. the balance of your annual fee is due three weeks prior to the date of the first session, and if you register for the Program within three weeks of the first session, the full annual fee amount is due at the time of registration; and
  2. your deposit is non-refundable or transferable; and
  3. once you attend the first session, none of the annual fee is refundable or transferable, and there is no credit for missed sessions; and
  4. Strategic Coach may contact me, electronically or otherwise, regarding my progress in the Program or to let me know about new products, services, and features offered by Strategic Coach.
Authorization for charging the deposit
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  • e.g. Tools, Member Name, Locations, Specialties, and Industries